[ Nayeon Jasmina Han ]
100years ago, The Pop Artist who loved Hyperrealism and Performance which who is also know for Geek of the Geek.
Nayeon has a Hundredth Year Memorial Party.
Now we are releasing before her death,
but it still feels like she might be next to us chewing her favorite bubble gum.
2008년으로부터 100년전,
우리에게 나타난 Hyperrealism과 Performance를 사랑한 Pop artist.
Geek of the Geek 의 대명사
한나연작가 추모 100주년 기념전.
아직도 어딘가에서 풍선껌을 씹으며
춤을추고 있을 것 같은 그녀의 생전 모습들을
[ Nayeon Jasmina Han ]
100years ago, The Pop Artist who loved Hyperrealism and Performance which who is also know for Geek of the Geek.
Nayeon has a Hundredth Year Memorial Party.
Now we are releasing before her death,
but it still feels like she might be next to us chewing her favorite bubble gum.
2008년으로부터 100년전,
우리에게 나타난 Hyperrealism과 Performance를 사랑한 Pop artist.
Geek of the Geek 의 대명사
한나연작가 추모 100주년 기념전.
아직도 어딘가에서 풍선껌을 씹으며
춤을추고 있을 것 같은 그녀의 생전 모습들을
- Born : 25th. July. [ ?-1908 ]
-Kyewon Art High-school 22th graduated.
계원예술고등학교 22기
-Seoul National University of Science and Technology graduated (Major in Industrial Design)
국립 서울과학기술 대학교 (공업디자인전공)
디자인아트페어 2017 Seoul
Nayeon's 100th Anniversary Milano
S.W.A.B Barcelona
[Paris-Focus Korea]
[Napoli Galleria Monteoliveto-private art exhibition]
[Rome-Affordable Art Fair Roma]
[Berlin- International contemporary art in Berlin]
[26 September.2012]
[Napoli-Once upon a time]
[Nice-MM 62-12 pour Marilyn à l'occasion du 50ème anniversaire consacré à l'artiste]
마릴린 먼로 추모50주년 기념전
[France-AIX-EN-PROVENCE] Le SM’art L’art contemporain s’expose
[IN Germany-Baden baden A&B Gallery]
[IN Italia Bolzano] KunStart12 Biennial art fair for emerging contemporary art
[The Don Gallery] [VidanGil Project-30Korean contemporary Artists Exhibition]Milano
[Nayeon’s private art exhibition] - From belly button of a youth...
[개인전: 청춘의 배꼽에서..]
[25.February .2011]
[Nayeon’s private art exhibition] - Living as an illegal immigrant in the land of South Korea.
[개인전: 대한민국땅에서 불법체류자로 살아 간다는 것은..]
Body toast (Performance in Italia)
[January .2009]
Photo story
interview [Performance]
[February. 2008]
Design U.F.O.