NY's Project 2012: I Love Guinea pigs!
[Why Guinea pigs?!]
Artist Nayeon Jasmina Han, she’s been living 5 guinea pigs.
Whenever she thinks of them, they can motivate her to do better and inspired by them frequently, knowing them from the giving birth up to now, realized how much they have affected her.
Not only are they wonderfully made by God, but because of their habitual things. For example, easily get hungry, their bowels acted lots, and pass a sleepless night. Etc..
Bear some resemblance with Nayeon.
They can help ease her sadness, Also with them.
It’s comforting to think they are entertainers to her.
My actresses ♡
Looking at guinea pig’s lips! It reminds me of [Angelina Jolie’s lips], not only CUTE but also SEXY!!
The reason for being actresses coincide with sexiness/cuteness at the same time.
Contrary to each other’s image.
I try to express having the guinea pigs.
So, Sex symbol[Marilyn monroe] and Naive , Curious girl [Alice].
Artist Nayeon Jasmina Han, she’s been living 5 guinea pigs.
Whenever she thinks of them, they can motivate her to do better and inspired by them frequently, knowing them from the giving birth up to now, realized how much they have affected her.
Not only are they wonderfully made by God, but because of their habitual things. For example, easily get hungry, their bowels acted lots, and pass a sleepless night. Etc..
Bear some resemblance with Nayeon.
They can help ease her sadness, Also with them.
It’s comforting to think they are entertainers to her.
My actresses ♡
Looking at guinea pig’s lips! It reminds me of [Angelina Jolie’s lips], not only CUTE but also SEXY!!
The reason for being actresses coincide with sexiness/cuteness at the same time.
Contrary to each other’s image.
I try to express having the guinea pigs.
So, Sex symbol[Marilyn monroe] and Naive , Curious girl [Alice].
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그녀는 다섯마리의 기니피그와 함께 살고있다.
그녀가 기쁠때는 함께웃어주고 슬플때는 함께 울어주던 그들은 항상 그녀에게 영감을 준다.
기니피그들은 작은소리에도 놀라며 호기심이 많고 겁이많은 동물이라 표정이 다양하며, 채식주의자이자 대식가이다.
특히 금방 배가고파하는 모습과 변을 많이보고 잠이없는 모습이 한나연작가와 너무나도 닮아있기에 많은 애착을 가진다.
기니피그의 안젤리나 졸리같은 입술을 보고있으면 귀엽기도 하지만 섹시하다.
‘여배우’란 섹시함 과 귀여움을
동시에 지녀야하는 존재이다.
그들의 상반되는 이미지를 기니피그라는 동물을 통해 표현하고 싶었다.
그래서 섹스심벌 마릴린 먼로와 순수하고 호기심많은, 소녀 앨리스를 표현하였다.